Choosing the Right Roof Material for Your New Home


Although it makes sense to save money when you can, building your home doesn’t offer the right time for cutting costs. That doesn’t mean you must pay more than you need to either. Your roof and your foundation do the most to protect the interior of your home, so place a high priority on those materials. Let’s consider your roofing choices and how to choose the best option for your new home.

Do you know that you will live in the home for at least two decades?

Most roofing materials last more than 20 years, yet because they cost the least, most people purchase asphalt shingles. These last about 15 years, so if you plan to remain in your home longer than that, consider that you’ll need a roof replacement. Other options, such as a metal roof, cost more initially, but last for about 50 years. Also, consider where you’ll be in life when you need the roof replaced. If you build your dream home at age 50, then at 65 years old, just as you retire, you’d need to pay for a new roof. Choosing metal while building lets you spread out the cost of the roof over many years via your building loan.

What climate features does your locality experience?

Areas with frequent snow storms need roofs that stand up well against water like a metal roof. Arid areas with low humidity do better with clay tiles, one of the reasons they appear on so many desert southwest homes. Ask your builder for advice on which roofing types perform best in the local climate.

Can you get a materials discount buying through your builder?

You don’t typically purchase building materials yourself, but some future homeowners choose to do so because they want a specific material from overseas or a company that their builder doesn’t use. If you need to save money and your builder offers discounts on materials, buy through them, and make sure they’re using affordable, high-quality items, such as IKO shingles.

Would a material typically used in commercial applications work well for your home?

If you want to build a flat-roofed home because you’d like a porch roof, consider having your builder use commercial materials such as IKO roofing TPO options. When you and your builder think creatively, you can create a home that does more while you spend less.

Consulting with your builder and offering the upfront truth on what you want and can afford makes a way for the two of you to work on finding a middle ground. Have this conversation before an architect begins work on plans or you purchase house plans.

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