How Do I Prepare My Home for Replacement Windows?


Getting replacement windows and doors in your home could be due to several reasons. It could be because you want to increase the curb appeal of your house, boost its security, lower your energy bills, etc. Whatever the reasons are, you have made a good decision. However, as you are expecting the windows and doors company to work on your windows, there are a couple of things you must do to prepare your home for the project.

Let’s describe how you can prepare your home for replacement windows.

  • Clear the way

While working on your windows, window installers will need to move various items from one area to another in your house. Besides, the installers may also have to use lift tools, ladders, and other equipment. To give them smooth access to the windows, you need to remove everything that may be obstructing the path of the installers. The items you need to remove from the path include area rugs, plants, furniture, sculpture, canvas art, decorations, etc.

The installers may also need to carry items around the lawn and patio. So, don’t forget to remove plants, toys, garbage cans, and other items from these areas.

  • Remove wall decorations and window treatments

Do you have curtains, blinds, sheers, and other things around your windows? You should remove these window treatments that can disturb the window contractors as they do their works.

Similarly, installing new windows and doors may cause wall vibrations that can damage wall decorations. So, you should avoid any damages to these decorations by removing them. Store the wall decorations and window treatments in a safe place where they will not be damaged or dirtied.

  • Cover furniture and fixtures

If furniture, flowerbeds, plants, and other fixtures are found in the room where the windows will be installed, you should consider covering them. This is because window installation may leave dust and dirt on the furniture and fixtures. Hence, after the window installation, you will have lots of cleanups to do. You need to minimize the cleanup after the installation by covering these items.

Notably, you should ask the window installer about this as many of them provide drop cloths for covering furniture and fixtures. Also, inquire about any post-installation cleanup that the contractor can offer.

  • Create temporary storage space

If you don’t have enough space for storing all items you have removed from the room, you should consider creating temporary storage space. There are portable storage bins that can be used for keeping different items. The portable storage bin will not only keep the objects out of the way of the window installers, but it will also ensure they are not damaged during the project. Most of these bins are cheap; hence, getting one shouldn’t be a problem.

By following the steps above, you will prepare your house properly for the window installation project. To maximize the benefits of this project, make sure you hire the services of an experienced windows and doors company for your window replacement.

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